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Bibi Clement
Bibi Clement

Bibi Clement

BiographyBorn in Amersfoort, Netherlands, ceramic artist Bibi Clement has lived, worked and studied in France, Algeria and Canada. She studied sculpture in clay at Red Deer College; ceramics at Malaspina College in Nanaimo, British Columbia; apprenticed with a studio potter in Amsterdam; and studied watercolour and sculpture workshops in Paris. Bibi is also a professional dancer.

An extremely dedicated potter, Bibi has become an expert in wood-firing and takes great pride and pleasure in firing her pieces in her custom made kiln – one that has travelled with her to many locales. Although precarious, the wood-firing process produces interesting and unique finishes for her stunning pieces. Eastern art and philosophy are essential to Bibi’s life, as demonstrated by her simple approach to pottery that honours Japanese ceramic tradition. Inspired by the people and experiences in her life, both positive and negative – Bibi’s work is sometimes functional, but always expressive and aesthetically beautiful.

Bibi taught clay workshops in British Columbia and Alberta. Her work has been exhibited in Western Canada, and many of her pieces reside in private and public collections all over the world, including in Japan, China, Malaysia, England, Denmark, Switzerland, France, the United States and Canada. Bibi now lives near Hythe, Alberta.