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Marc Siegner
Marc Siegner

Marc Siegner

BiographyMarc Siegner is a renowned print-maker and university instructor living and working in Edmonton. He earned a Diploma from OCAD, Toronto, in 1979, and began teaching silk-screening and lithography at the University of Alberta’s Art & Design Department, starting in 1981. He later completed an MVA from Norwich University, Vermont, USA, in 2003. In 1982, he co-founded the Society of Northern Alberta Print-artists (SNAP), which has become one of Canada’s premier centres for research and innovation in print-making, and has ensured Edmonton’s involvement with the international print-making community.

Siegner has extended his own practice beyond prints to include drawing, painting, video, photography and installation, and his themes have evolved to reflect his various preoccupations at different stages of life. Perhaps influenced by his Catholic background, Rite of Passage, a solo exhibit (Latitude 53, Edmonton, 1990), involved having the viewer make moral choices at seven stages. The installations Boundary Maintenance (Latitude 53, 1996) and Recuerdo (Muttart Gallery, Calgary, 1997) reflected on gender roles and power relations through clothing items. Imagining Home (2005, at the then-Edmonton Art Gallery) explored the ideas of home, family and cultural continuity. Fragments of conversation, recorded dialogue and blurred moving images created a metaphoric journey through time and space.

A series of residencies in Beijing proved to be another turning point, as Siegner explored ways of incorporating his experiences of living and working in China, initially by experimenting with woodcuts of traditional Chinese flora. The Oh ....Know show of 2012, held at SNAP to celebrate its 30th anniversary, comprised mixed-media pieces which were the result of Siegner’s Red Gate residency (Beijing). Photographic images, textile patterns, sections of maps, diagrammatic drawings, and hand-sewn, painted rice bags depicting family portraits explore the themes of nostalgia, home(lessness), family and place.

Marc has come to consider his work as an extended reflection on the idea of cultural adaptation, discomfort and dislocation – his own and that of others. His 2014 show, Adaptation, at the Kelowna Art Gallery, consisted of a multi-media installation on a small traditional district, FeiJiaCun, on the outskirts of Beijing, threatened by urban demolition. The exhibition includes footage of residents speaking and images of their day-to-day lives, and opens multiple portals into their world. The work is also a reflection on his own cultural heritage, the construction of identity, and the longing for something unique in the face of global homogenization.

In addition to SNAP, Marc is Past-President and Director of Latitude 53. His work has been exhibited extensively, including internationally throughout Europe and Latin America, in Japan, Thailand and Mexico, and at international Print Biennials. He was inducted into the City of Edmonton’s Cultural Hall of Fame in 2013.