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Kenneth Samuelson
Kenneth Samuelson

Kenneth Samuelson

BiographyKenneth Samuelson is a painter and printmaker. His early printmaking work had a highly graphic style and concentrated on the derivative abstraction of the surrounding landscape. In his more recent work, Samuelson captures detailed scenes of the landscape using oils and watercolours. For Samuelson, painting is directly tied to memory, and he paints as a way to capture and remember the inspirational moments of light and colour in the landscape.
Samuelson majored in design at the Alberta College of Art and Design, and studied printmaking at the University of Calgary. Samuelson was co-owner of a graphic design studio for a decade, and from 1968 to 1996, he was on faculty at the Alberta College of Art and Design, teaching drawing, design, rendering, letter form, and watercolour. Shortly after his retirement, he was awarded Lecturer Emeritus.
Samuelson has exhibited widely, and was a member in the Alberta Society of Artists, the Manisphere Group of Artists, the Canadian Society of Graphic Art, and with Canadian Painter-Etchers and Engravers. His work is in the collection of the Canada Council Art Bank, the Calgary-Edmonton Jubilee Auditoriums, the A.C. Leighton Foundation, Shell Canada, Gulf Oil, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.