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Gloria Mok
Gloria Mok

Gloria Mok

BiographyGloria Mok is a doctor and an artist whose creative work is inspired by the study of science and medicine, including organic plant life, mechanical machines, and the human body. She uses a range of media in her work, including painting, photography, collage, and x-ray and computer technology.
Mok is interested in exploring ideas of genetic engineering, and creates collaged interventions to reconfigure and recreate elements of the natural world. She uses historical and archival prints as a starting point, including 18th and 19th century illustrations of human anatomy. She then reassembles and creates her collages into baroque fantastical landscapes, creating alien environments where place and orientation are ambiguous and unfamiliar.
Mok’s art education began after she became a doctor, studying art at Langara College in Vancouver, then at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Mok has participated in art residencies at Emma Lake, the Banff Centre, and in France. Her work has been shown in numerous group and solo exhibitions including shows at the Nickle Galleries in Calgary, the Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton, and the Esplanade Gallery in Medicine Hat. Her works are in the collection of the Alberta Foundation of the Arts, the University of Alberta Hospital, and the Alberta Art Gallery.
In addition to making art, Mok continues to work as a family physician in Edmonton.