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Elke Blodgett

Elke Blodgett

1936 - 2018

Elke Blodgett is an artist and an environmentalist based in St. Albert, Alberta. She was born in Leipzig, Germany and immigrated to Canada, settling in Alberta in 1966. Blodgett holds a BA in liberal arts from the University of Minnesota. She describes herself as self-taught in ceramics, having acquired her training through several informal learning opportunities, including a European study tour in 1986 / 87, another to Greece, France and Crete in 1988, working with Mary Borgstrom in 1975 and 1976, and attending several workshops on pottery and ceramics at the Banff Centre between 1974 and 1986.

Blodgett’s work is represented in private and corporate collections in North America and Europe and in the permanent collections of the Alberta Foundations for the Arts, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Banff Centre and the Consulate General of Japan. Her work has been included in solo and group exhibitions around Alberta and at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. She teaches workshops in hand-building, raku and wood kiln construction. In 2011, her environmental advocacy efforts in the St. Albert region were recognized when a strip of land near Riel pond, popular as a nesting area for wetland birds, was renamed “Elke’s Peninsula” by the St. Albert City Council.

Compiled 2014