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Marjorie Jordan

Marjorie Jordan

1941 - 2004

Marjorie Jordan was born in Carmangay, Alberta in 1941. She lived with her family in several communities in Alberta, but settled in Lethbridge in 1969, where she worked for many years with the Federal Government in Employment and Immigration as an Insurance Officer. A gifted artist, potter, seamstress and designer, she began taking art courses from the University of Lethbridge in 1981, and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from that institution in 1991. While attending University, she developed a pottery glaze called Jordan Rhodes that has found regular use in the curriculum. She retired from her job with the Federal Government in 1993 in order to devote herself full-time to making art and subsequently saw her work featured in many solo and group exhibitions throughout the Province. She is also represented in many private and public collections, including those of the Government of Canada: Canada Employment and Immigration Commission Photo Art Bank, the Alberta Foundation of the Arts and the Alberta Cancer Foundation.

Regarding her own art, Marjorie Jordan said “I believe that for everything human technology has developed, we have had to forfeit something from the past; a past that can never be regained. This is why I eliminate what I feel to be frivolous in my work... I try to pare it down to express the pure emotion of isolation.”