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Monday, September 01, 2014 - Thursday, August 31, 2017
Alberta: what’s in a name? What images does this appellation conjure in the mind? Oil? Cowboys? The Rocky Mountains or wheat fields? How would you describe the province we live in and where do your perceptions have their roots?

The arts have long been instrumental in shaping our awareness of the world around us. Whether based in reality or in the imagination, creative expressions in literature, the performing arts, music, or the visual arts have conveyed the past, articulated the present, and pointed towards the future. These interpretations have also influenced perceptions of place and human relationships.

The exhibition…Out to Alberta considers this influence of the arts as it has been expressed through both music and the visual arts of Alberta. Featuring a selection of songs produced by some of Alberta’s most notable musical artists and visual art works drawn from the Collection of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, this exhibition demonstrates how the lyrics of a song or an image hung on a wall can evoke a memory, express an event, or symbolize a way of life. Together the artworks and music lyrics which form this exhibition examine the shared inspirations of artistic pursuits and demonstrate how these reflections can influence how we view the world.

…Out to Alberta was curated by Shane Golby, Manager/Curator, Art Gallery of Alberta, Region 2 of the AFA Travelling Exhibition Program.